Frequently Asked Questions

If these questions don't help you, feel free to email us at for more help.


What If I'm the only one in my band with a membership?

Asks your bandmates to pitch if you end up using it for that band. Or whatever you want.

What if my band mates are also members?

If you're a member and some of your band mates are members, then we can split a given session's hours between each band member.

So if all 4 members of a band are Ursa Polaris members, we can split a 4-hour session so you each only have to use 1 hour of your time.

And if only 3 band members of 4 are members, they can use an hour and a third each.

Any way you want to split it up works for us, but you have to let us know when you're booking how you want to split it, otherwise by default we will subtract hours from whichever email contacted us.

What happens if I don't use my studio hours?

This one's simple: save em for later!

More questions: just ask!